Effective Ways to Add Timestamp Links on YouTube Videos
Effective Ways to Add Timestamp Links on YouTube Videos

This is a known fact that internet users are very keen to learn a lot but within just 8 to 10 seconds. Adding a timestamp will allow your audience to understand that they don’t have to invest a lot of their time in that particular video and this is why this option has become extremely popular on YouTube. To successfully incorporate this into your video you need to follow some simple steps starting with the introduction of YouTube Timestamp links. Then you will need to use a desktop or mobile to add the Timestamp to the YouTube Video Link.

Ø  Step 1: How to Add YouTube Video Timestamp on Mobile:

Another important aspect of this process is to know how to share a particular part of your YouTube video and to get YouTube timestamp links on mobile. The process to add a YouTube video timestamp you will need to have proper knowledge about the process. The entire process is very easy and can be completed within just 8 steps:

1.       Go to your channel on YouTube on your Mobile

2.       Select a video to which you want to add the timestamp

3.       Navigate through the description box below

4.       Click on the edit button and edit the description

5.       Move on to the video details side

6.       Mention the time of the key part of the video

7.       Add the timestamp format

8.       Click on the save button

This is an efficient way to bring attention to your releases which will not just allow you to understand each step in a more detailed way. You can break the video is as many segments as you want this can be a great way to grip the attention of your audiences. This blog is all about helping you understand the comprehensive process without missing out on any minor details.

Ø  Step 2: How to Add YouTube Timestamp Link on Desktop?

If you want to add timestamps on your desktop then you need to follow these steps. Segregating your video will require dedicated hours and the following steps will ensure success, efficiently.

1.       Open YouTube Video on your desktop

2.       Play the video and navigate to the timeline

3.       Stop at the key moment where you want to break the video

4.       Click on the share button, a pop-up will be shown

5.       Just below the URL, there will be a small box showing ‘start at’

This is how the timestamp will automatically generate itself but you can change it as per your requirements. There will be an updated URL you can copy the new URL and share the video or you can also click on the social sharing buttons provided on the YouTube interface.

Ø  Step 3: How to Share a Particular Part of any YouTube Video

To share a particular portion of the video you will need to bring attention. for that, you need to follow some simple steps.

1.       Sign up with Google or any other social media account

2.       Select the Create Vib option on the top left corner and paste the URL

3.       Click on the start button

4.       The video will load in the Vibby editor

5.       To go to the highlighted portion you can jump to 5 seconds option

6.       Choose the video quality

7.       Navigate to the part you want to share our start highlighting

8.       Once you are done click on the finish highlight button

9.       Add a description for each part

10.   Save it

11.   Name each assigned category

12.   You will get a separate link from Vib to embed the video with blogs and website

This is one of the most efficient ways to segregate your video and share a highlighted portion with your audience. If you have a 10-minute video but you want to highlight on a 35-second portion you can easily do that.

YouTube videos are already very engaging but to increase the engagement rates for relatively longer videos this is a very useful option. This will not just allow you to share your video you can market your video efficiently in this way. These are some of the most useful options to increase awareness for your videos on YouTube. For seamless YouTube promotions you can get the services from VideoIpsum, they will bring as many eyes as you want for your videos.



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