2024 Cheat Sheet to Get Verified With YouTube
2024 Cheat Sheet to Get Verified With YouTube

Before you overwhelm yourself with how you should get verified and the prolonged measures that will ensure your verification must start with why you should choose this path. If you are willing to grow more and with better prospects there are a few things that you can do once you are verified on YouTube:

ü  Increases credibility and your viewers will have better trust in what you say if you have a verification mark.

ü  After getting verified, your channel will be immune to impersonations.

ü  Once verified your channel will appear for more search results and people who are interested in similar topics will be suggested with your videos.

ü  There are more YouTube features that you can get access to once you have verified the sign.

However, it doesn’t mean that if you are not getting verified then you cannot build trust amongst your viewers. For that, you will have to be careful while you continue to be authentic with your YouTube releases. In the process of getting verified, you will need to make sure that you are following these measures to work on your authenticity on YouTube.

This is a guide to thrive before you get your verification badge:

1.       Unique Channel Name

2.       Use a Recognizable Profile Picture

3.       Use YouTube’s Customization Options

4.       Make Unique Content

5.       Work on Your Consistency

6.       Regularly Communicate and Engage with your Subscribers

7.       Keep an Eyes If Someone is Impersonating You and Report them

These are the essential steps that you will have to use to create a thriving career based on this platform.

The accurate measures to get verified on YouTube are the following:

1.       Reach 100,000 subscribers

2.       Upload valid 4,000 public watch hours within a year

3.       Violate no YouTube Community policies

4.       Turn on the two-step verification

5.       Opt for YouTube monetization policies (Not every country has these programs)

6.       Get your AdSense account linked with YouTube

These are the 6 measures that you will need to have to be eligible for YouTube Verification. Yet this verification process is completed in two stages. In the first stage, your YouTube account will be verified and then your YouTube channel will be verified.

For account Verification, you need to have:

§  Videos longer than 15 minutes

§  Use custom-made thumbnails

§  Live stream on YouTube

To solidify your verification process you can follow along these features. Offer appealing Content ID claims, create more content, get your live streams embedded, add external links in the description box, and start monetizing. Once your account is verified and you have your Channel Verification will join the queue at the proper time.

Steps to get verified:

For any general YouTube artist, the verification measures are 100,000 subscribers along with an active channel that doesn’t disregard YouTube rules. You will have to stay unique and work on your content. However, there is a verification 3-step application process that you will need to follow to earn your verified badge:

§  Go to the channel verification application page

§  Fill out the application form

§  Wait for YouTube’s response

On getting verified you will need to maintain your verification. To maintain your verification you will need not to violate any rules set by YouTube. Understand the rules and abide by them whenever you post a video. Make sure not to change the name of your channel after you get verified. Yet to stay relevant and to have better opportunities you will need to work on your marketing and VideoIpsum will help you immensely to get better results to gain more foothold and work on building your audience base effectively.



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