YouTube is Conducting Thumbnail A/B Testing for All Channels
YouTube is Conducting Thumbnail A/B Testing for All Channels

YouTube is currently planning to launch a new feature known as the “Thumbnail Test & Compare” for all channels available on the platform. This new feature will be soon introduced in the coming weeks and will help creators gain more traction in the potential market. This online tool is specially designed to help creators opt for the best choice in Thumbnails by allowing them to upload three different options. The tool can help to find the one thumbnail that is most attractive, and engaging and makes users click on the video content.


How does the ‘Thumbnail Tool’ work for testing?


Through the ‘Thumbnail Test & Compare‘ feature; creators can easily upload multiple options and find the suitable one before publishing new video content on YouTube. During the testing period, YouTube will be showing different thumbnails with random displays to some of the viewers in order to get feedback. With the collected data, YouTube will be analyzing which thumbnails have generated the maximum amount of “watch timeshare” from organic viewers. This testing period will span over two weeks.

There are three possible outcomes for the chosen ones among all the thumbnails uploaded.


· Winner – Based on total watch time, the winning thumbnail will be automatically added to the video content to gain maximum attention from the audiences

· Preferred – These thumbnails are the preferred ones that can perform better. However, there is a statistical affirmation of it.

· None – In case the newly uploaded thumbnails fail to become the winner, the original thumbnail of the video will remain without any changes.


There is an option for creators to choose from the preferred thumbnails if they do not want to proceed with the winning option.


Best Practices for YouTube Thumbnail


There is no doubt that thumbnails play a vital role in YouTube videos by helping find potential and relevant viewers for them. The thumbnail is the image shown on the cover of a YouTube video which can grab users’ attention even at a single glance. It must convey the story of the video content or the topic it is based on. You can design the thumbnails yourself or can hire a professional for the work. Here are a few things to keep in mind with designing a thumbnail.


· Balanced and Focused – You need to make the image balanced and focused to its objective which helps to keep the subject matter at everyone’s attention.

· High Contrast Images – High contrast images are proven to be more attractive and are capable of standing out in both light and dark modes of YouTube

· Facial Expression – Emotions and expressions carry a lot of human values which makes users click on the content. So, make sure to prioritize emotions.

· Brief and Concise Text – The least amount of text you can put is the best in this case as a user cannot read much when scrolling through multiple content. Keep it concise and impactful for more attention.

· Blank Space and Depth – Playing with blank space offers more depth of field and makes the thumbnail more natural than cluttered with a lot of elements.


Final Thoughts


YouTube’s“Thumbnail Test & Compare” feature will be offering more benefits for the creators. However, it is not just thumbnails that can make a creator successful as they need ample exposure in the niche market. You can hire a professional promotional agency like Videoipsum that specializes in the various promotional techniques for YouTube videos. The agency offers affordable and highly effective services.



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