YouTube Analytics: Essential Factors to Grow Your YouTube Channel

A successful channel with viral videos is the dream of every YouTuber but when it comes to actually making that achievement; it is way more than just view count and the number of subscribers. By understanding the most common and top YouTube Analytics, a channel owner can understand the audience better. There are a handful of factors when it comes to analyzing the channel’s growth. In addition, strategizing with all these factors can help to gain the transparency that is required to grow your channel effectively. 

It could be a little confusing for the beginner who is unaware of analytics but once you get a grasp of it, you will be able to grow your channel more effectively while focusing on the content that you make. 

Let’s take a better look at some of the crucial metrics:

1. Impressions

The impression is the number of times that the video thumbnail appears on a user’s screen. This metric helps to understand how much visible your video is on that particular platform as well as where the online users prefer to watch it. Impression click-through rate is a great way to determine how many users have watched your video after seeing the thumbnail. This way, you will be able to know which kind of thumbnails are working better in gathering attention. Check the average view duration as well to see how long users are watching the video along with the hook. 

2. Watch Time

Watch time is the duration that a user spends watching the video. Identifying the videos which have more watch time signifies that audiences prefer to watch that kind of videos more from your collection. This metric helps to gain more visibility as the YouTube algorithm pushes videos forward that have more watch time along with online engagement.

3. Audience Retention

This metric is similar to view duration and helps to analyze which part of the video has retained the most audience. Even if they have stopped watching the video, you get an idea of what attracted them the most and where they are willing to quit. This metric can help you create ideal content that attracts more audiences by breaking down the video second by second. 

4. Traffic Sources

Identifying the traffic sources is important when it comes to garnering organic web traffic and online engagement. Check the sources from where most audiences have come and which sources are providing more relevant audiences. Make a list of the external sites which are credible and offer a good number of audiences while offering organic traffic. The metric helps to strategize your marketing plan even stronger and more fruitful. 

5. Most Shared Platforms

Social media plays a vital role in marketing and promotion. Once you get to know where your video is more shared; you will be able to create a better social media marketing plan which will offer the audience, viewers as well as followers. 

6. The Devices

While mobile users prefer short videos, computer users are inclined to longer videos. You need to understand the viewers and their preferences of devices to watch your video content. Based on it, you can create your next video content that optimizes engagement on the channel.

There are a plethora of metrics that you might need to study in order to grow your channel. No matter how bigger your channel grows, you would always require to use YouTube Analytics to understand your channel’s performance. So, if you haven’t started analyzing the metrics yet; start now!

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