What is YouTube Watch Hours and How YouTube Calculate it ?
What is YouTube Watch Hours and How YouTube Calculate it ?

YouTube is the largest video streaming platform that is available right now. There are thousands of creators and billions of videos on this platform. That is why, creators are facing many difficulties in reaching out to the target audiences. Due to the huge growth of this platform, people have started making YouTube videos to get established in their careers. One can only make a career out of YouTube when their channel is under monetization. After the monetization, one needs to analyze the watch hours. It is the most important thing that helps one to earn more money on this platform. There are many creators who do not know the facts of YouTube video monetization. Here are some of the most important regarding YouTube video monetization and watch hours-

·         What are watch hours?

Watch hours are one of the most important things of YouTube monetization. The monetization by YouTube only gets started after creators reach out to the required watch hours. According to YouTube, a channel needs to have a minimum of 4000 watch hours to be monetized. Apart from that, your channel cannot come under monetization. Watch hours is the only thing that helps you to understand how much time people have spent watching your videos. On YouTube, this unit is referred to in hours.

·         How the YouTube watch hours are counted?

When it comes to counting the watch hours then it might be a little difficult to understand completely. The watch hour completely depends on how many views you are getting on your video and how long one is watching your video. Supposedly, you have 100 views on any particular video and people have spent 4 minutes. Then your watch hours will be 400 minutes. The watch hours on video are calculated in this process. This way you need to have 4000 watch hours to get monetized by YouTube. Otherwise, you will not get the chance to monetize your channel and get the right payments for your videos. Whenever you are uploading new videos, YouTube starts counting your watch hours. So, you need to wait until you accumulate 4000 watch hours to request monetization.

·         How to understand a channel’s YouTube watch hours?

As a video creator on YouTube, if you want to know your channel’s watch hours, then you can do so in a much easier manner. All you need to do is go to the platform and sign in to your channel. Later, go to ‘YouTube Studio’, and click on ‘Analytics’. From going to the ‘Analytics’, you will be able to see the watch hours of your channel, the total number of subscribers, and your earnings from the platform. In this simple method, you can know the watch hours of your channel.

·         How to find out a video’s watch hours?

If you want to know the watch hours of a single video then you can easily do that too. For this, you need to go to your profile, and click on ‘YouTube Studio’. Then go to ‘Content’, select the particular video, and click on ‘Analytics’. By doing so, you will get to see the total watch hours of that particular video.

These are some of the most common yet important things of YouTube monetization and watch hours. Following these steps will help one to know about the watch hours in a much better manner. If you want to increase your watch hours on the videos then reach out to VideoIpsum to promote your videos. It can be helpful in various aspects..


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