Why Thumbnails are Important and How to Make Them?
Why Thumbnails are Important and How to Make Them?

One thing that is clear to all of the users on the internet is that visual appeal is a big deal and this visual appeal is not restricted to the video you are uploading on the platform but it also applies to the thumbnail you are putting for your subscribers and other potential subscribers are going to watch. So, as much as you crush your brain about finding or creating the right kind of content for your audience, you should give it a thought or two when designing the thumbnails for those videos.

The significance of a thumbnail can be massive when you are looking to increase the number of viewers. Some important factors that need to be kept in mind while planning or designing a thumbnail of your desire are:

1.       The content of your video should be clear from the thumbnail.

2.       The thumbnail should be exciting enough for the audience to click on the video.

3.       Always try to take advantage of the negative space.

4.       Get help from thumbnail templates if necessary.

You need to keep all of the above-mentioned points to run a strategy for your thumbnail. Now, let’s dive into the factors that can help you get the goal of your thumbnail. These factors might sound very simple and might even make you question their effectiveness, but have some faith and keep your mind open because this may just blow it apart!

Inclusion of Title Text to Deliver Context

Even though an image can speak thousands but having just an image as your thumbnail will never get the message you want to convey to the viewers who decide to watch a video based on the thumbnail. You will be shocked how many viewers chose to do that and it is in fact normal. The same thing goes for your viewers too.  But keep in mind, the text has to be relevant to the content and not clickbait.

Be Clever When Choosing Font Styles

Again, you may think, who cares about font styles nowadays, well, the answer is a lot of people. They might not know themselves that they care, but they do. And you can watch this from your behavior when you come across any poster or hoardings that may seem strange and unbalanced to you. That is your brain reacting to the messed-up font styles and the lack of a sense of aesthetics.  There is a reason; there are so many font styles available. These help to clarify the content of your video and the vibe you want your viewers to give before they start watching a video.

Usage of Good Quality Images

Using great quality images again plays a role in attracting viewers due to aesthetics. Just like you want your video to look clean with the right amount of color correction and finesse, your thumbnail needs to match up to that too. Having high-resolution images along with the proper text as your thumbnails is bound to create an impact on the viewers.

Ask AI to Help You Out

Yes, one of the easiest ways to get ideas about thumbnails is the use of artificial intelligence. You can put prompts on many of the platforms which can give you ideas as results and then you can take these ideas from one platform to another, using the ideas as prompts and the results will be AI-generated thumbnails that match your vision.

When you are done creating the video you have worked hard on along with a perfectly compatible and eye-grabbing thumbnail, you might want to think about promoting them. No need to worry, because VideoIpsum is one of the largest video promotion websites on the market right now. Feel free to check out their website for exciting offers and pocket-friendly packages.



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