8 Simple Ways to Optimize Your YouTube Video Campaign

Let’s be fair. No matter how much users get annoyed with advertisements on YouTube and want to go ad-free; there are still many beneficial aspects of YouTube ads that help to gain more attention from the target audience as well as new viewers. YouTube ads help to make videos more discoverable as well as participate in monetization. Thus, ads can help to add more success is every YouTuber’s channel. 

However, only creating an advertisement campaign is never enough. You need to optimize your video ads to make sure you get the maximum output and the highest return on investment (ROI).

Here are some practices that you can follow:


1. Define metrics and goals

In order to track each video, you need to focus on four main categories of metrics such as views and impressions, audience, view rate, and conversions. Based on these metrics, you need to determine a few goals to run your campaign successfully. These goals will help you determine the kind of content you should feature in the ad. 


2. Low-performing placements

In-display ads appear in Google Display Network where you can navigate where the ad has appeared from the Google Ads Campaigns dashboard. Check the list and find out which platforms are offering poor performance. Exclude these platforms from your campaign to increase your average CPV while moving forward. 


3. Custom Thumbnail Images

In order to entice a viewer to click on the video, you need to incorporate a custom thumbnail that attracts users on various devices including smartphones. When there is a person, the person should look at the camera and if it is a product, the background should be clear. 


4. YouTube Cards

YouTube cards are great for more engagement and call-to-actions. These cards are customizable with images, texts, and many other options. It is good for organic traffic as it invites more audiences to participate. Through call-to-action you are able to guide visitors to a landing page, a product page, or an information page of your channel and website. 


5. Craft an end screen

End screen helps to drive more subscribers to your channel by promoting your social media handles or by increasing interest in your brand. When a viewer has already watched the video till the end, there are chances that audiences like your content and so, they can subscribe to your channel as well. 


6. Use close captioning

YouTube’s automatic captioning is not reliable, so you need to include a quality video transcription. Depending on the target audience, you can include transcriptions in numerous other languages. 


7. Qualify the viewers

There are many times when a user sees an ad but has absolutely no interest in the product. Encourage them to skip the ad if it is not relevant. This way, you do not have to pay more for pay per click and they do not need to watch content since it is irrelevant to them. 


8. Consider making a longer ad

When the ad is less than 30 seconds, you would have to pay when the viewers watch until the end and when the video is longer than 30 seconds; you have to pay in the viewer watches it for at least 30 seconds. In both cases, you have to pay when a viewer interacts before even the end of the video. So, you might want to put some elements that make the uninterested audience skip the content immediately.


Bottom Line

Being an emerging YouTuber is already a tough job since you have to handle everything alone from media, production, and promotion. It could be a little daunting if you have to take care of the ad campaigns as well. Promotional agencies like VideoIpsum can help you out. The agency has empowered many YouTubers with its knowledge and experience in the field.



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