Find out the Ways to Keep Track on Your YouTube Subscribers
Find out the Ways to Keep Track on Your YouTube Subscribers

YouTube is the largest video streaming platform that is assisting a wide range of content creators to achieve success. You definitely know how this platform is useful in showcasing talent to the target audiences. If you are a content creator, then you should know how to build a community. At the time of gaining success on this platform, you might need to implement different strategies to attract more number of audiences. You will be able to see a visible change by learning to track your subscribers. If you are aware of your subscribers, then you will be able to create content that would build interest among them. Here are the useful steps that will assist you to see your subscribers-

1.       Sign in to your YouTube:

If you want to see your subscriber on the platform, then go to your preferred browser and sign in to your account. If your account is not logged in, then input the required credential information and successfully log in to your account. You cannot check your YouTube subscribers without logging in to your account.

2.       Go for your profile:

Right after the login, directly go to your profile. You can manage and analyze everything in your account through your profile. Thus, for this, you need to go to your profile, and under the username, you will get to see the number of your current subscribers.

3.       Visit YouTube studio:

If you want to get more insights into the data, then you need to go to YouTube Studio. Here you will get an option of ‘Customize Channel’. It is a particular option that will help you to manage your channel directly. Along with that, you can also analyze data, interact with viewers, edit videos, and more. With the help of this feature, you can get a better idea of how to work more to gain a wider reach and exposure. By analyzing the YouTube data, you will get the opportunity to make more effective videos.

4.       Direct your YouTube dashboard:

If you visit the dashboard of your account, then you get an option of ‘Analytics’, and after that click on ‘Audience’. In this specific part of the platform, you can observe new viewers on your channel, returning viewers, and your current subscribers. From this data, you can understand how many viewers are returning to your channel to consume your content. Along with that, it can also provide you with information like their preferred genre of videos and their location. Therefore, it can assist you in learning about the region you are reaching out to.

5.       Get to review your subscribers:

On the dashboard of your account, you will get an option of ‘Recent subscribers’. In addition to that, you can also get an option of ‘See all’. From this particular segment, you will get to accumulate all the insights. Here you will get to check your subscribers with filters like Lifetime, Last 365 Days, Last 90 Days, Last 28 Days, and Last 7 Days. By using this exceptional feature, you will get to keep a well-versed track of your subscribers and understand the growth of your channel.

If you use the YouTube features in the right manner, then you will get to understand your subscribers. You can also reach out to VideoIpsum to promote your video and accumulate more audiences instantly.  .


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